Frequently Asked Questions

Q : Can I add my Company Name and Logos to the reports?

A : My Asset Database allows you to add your company name and logo to all reports, providing a professional and customized look for your organization's asset management reports.

Q : Does My Asset Database support Monthly Depreciation?

A : Yes, My Asset Database supports monthly depreciation, providing alerts and insights into the financial value of assets over time.

Q : I have a question that isn’t listed here

A : If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please contact us via our platform, and we will respond promptly to your inquiry.

Q : Is there any setup fee?

A : No, there are no setup fees. Creating an account on My Asset Database is free. We offer flexible pricing plans, including a free trial session and monthly subscriptions based on the number of assets to be captured.

Q : What is My Asset Database?

A : My Asset Database is a web-based application designed to help companies track their fixed assets, including IT equipment, vehicles, furniture, and other tools essential for day-to-day operational activities.